Birth Doula Support
Birth Doula Support
2-3 in person prenatal visits, apart from our initial meeting
On call 24/7 from 38-42+ weeks pregnant to support you once your birth process starts.
Our collective schedules ourselves around the 40 week guess (“due”) date, and will always do our best to attend your birth, at any point in your pregnancy. If you have an unexpected early birth outside of 38-42 weeks, myself or a backup Doula will do our best to attend.
Available by text at anytime for support/resources
Provide information on physiological birth + what you and your birth partner might expect leading up to, and during, the birth process
Help you with understanding informed consent, your pregnancy, and birth rights
Provide objective information and resources on intervention during pregnancy and the birth process so you can make your own informed decisions
Advocacy, physical and emotional support + comfort and coping strategies during your birth process to 2-3 hours post birth
1:1 support in constructing your birth plan
Support with strategies to prepare for the fourth trimester (aka the post-partum period)
Two 60-90 minute mother/baby wellness postpartum visits, focussing on healing, nourishment, debriefing your birth, and breastfeeding support. These are typically 24-48 hours after birth, and one week after birth.
Backup Doula available in the very rare event I am physically not able to attend your birth